Announcing the Winners of Under the Radar: Consumerization of It

Today’s Under the Radar was a smashing success. Over 350 people attended and watched over thirty bleeding-edge startups tell their stories and showcase their technology. Over half of UTR’s past presenting companies have raised major funding and/or been acquired after hitting our stage, and something tells me this batch of companies might bump this statistic up even higher. Every single startup hit it out of the park!

Judges included executives from Google, Nike, Wells Fargo, Netflix, and more…

and the winner are…

CategoryJudge’s ChoiceAudience Choice
Best in ShowCloudabilityPiston Cloud
Mobile AccessDuo SecurityFramehawk
InfrastructurePiston CloudPiston Cloud
Performance MonitoringSumo LogicSumo Logic
Database ScalabilityScaleArcMemSQL
Cloud ServicesCloudabilityCloudability
Big DataCabanaMetamarkets
Venture Beat AwardAppFog