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Best NLP Conferences 2023

Natural Language Processing is a dynamic field that requires deep understanding and for any professional from this field to be regularly updated with recent developments. 

An NLP Conference is the perfect environment or place for college students, industry professionals, and researchers to discover the new studies happening in NLP worldwide with innovative ways to overcome upcoming challenges. The hybrid conferences provide opportunities for people to connect with industry experts and participate in these from any corner of the world.

The NLP conferences include open discussions on practical scenarios where researchers and educators present their recent inventions and challenges in natural processing.

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We have made a list of the Top 11 NLP conferences in this article that are useful for new to expert learners in the Natural Language Processing domain.

The Top 11 NLP Conferences

NameDate & VenueAboutWhy should you attend?Register
ACL: Association for Computational LinguisticsTBHThe Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) is an international scientific society of people and working professionals in the field of Computational Linguistics ( or Natural Processing Language). Initially, ACL was named Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics (AMTCL) in 1962 and later changed to Association for Computational Linguistics in 1968. They hold annual meetings every summer and sponsor journals in Computational Linguistics.The 60th meeting of ACL has already taken place in May 2022. Next year’s meeting dates are yet to be announced. The three days ACL conference in May included demo sessions, oral presentations, virtual posters, best paper presentations, awards sessions, three unique keynote events, and Expert speakers invited talks on topics: big ideas for the future in NLP and Spotlight Talks for Young Rising Stars (STIRS).Click here to register
EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language ProcessingDec 7-11, 2022/Abu Dhabi This is one of the top conferences in Natural Language processing organized by (SIGDAT) special interest group on linguistic data in hybrid ( Online & Offline) modes. EMNLP bring famous visionary scientists and research scholars to share and exchange their research discoveries on Empirical Methods in NLP.There upcoming 5 days conference theme includes open questions sessions, the best opportunity for potential NLP learners to gain insight into major challenges, the Current state, and unresolved problems.Click here to register
NAACL: North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsTBHThis Association for Computational linguistics focus on its members from North and South America. It organizes annual conferences to promote information exchange and cooperation among computational linguistics-related professional & scientific societies.Their recent conference was held in July 2022, which included groups poster Q&A sessions, more than 10 speaker panels for researchers, tutorials, and affinity groups workshops for researchers with discussions on non-research topics like work-life balance.Click here to register
EACL: European Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsTBHEACL is a prominent professional association in Europe for computational linguistics that serves its members through a biennial meeting and educational initiatives in this field. Their conferences have registered up to 500 participants and 75-80 research papers.Their 16th conference took place in April 2021, where renowned world speakers and Ph.D. researchers discussed topics like AI and the gap between theoretical linguistics and computational along with tutorials, poster sessions, training workshops, and Awards for submitted research papers. The 2022 workshops will cover a broad range of study areas concerned with computational strategies for natural language.Click here to register
COLING: International Conference on Computational LinguisticsOctober 12-17, 2022/ Gyeongju, Republic of KoreaThis conference in various regions brings together participants from the world’s top-ranked research institutes and countries. They believe that developments are rising from industrial research divisions like technology start-ups. All such societies get the opportunity to show their unique discoveries. The organizers have invited researchers to submit their papers featuring original, substantial, and unpublished research in all facets of computation and natural language.With a unique theme of overcoming the significant challenges in natural language by encouraging mutual understanding, their hybrid format gives sponsors & presenters a beneficial opportunity to advertise their companies in both modes. There’s a fantastic exposure for sponsors to reach many customers and potential partners.Click here to register
CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language LearningDecember 7-8, 2022/ Hybrid modeEvery year, this conference is organized by Association for Computational Linguistics Special interest Group (SIGNLL) with unique themes on natural language topics. Participants can participate in shared tasks whose test data and training are provided at the conference. They get the opportunity to present their presentations.The attendees can learn about theoretically and scientifically motivated techniques in computational linguistics. There will be a poster session. Researchers can submit their papers on natural language topics.Click here to register
SIGIR: Special Interest Group on Information RetrievalTBHIt is a Global Association for Computing Machinery that has promoted development, research, and education in search and many other knowledge access technologies since 1963. They sponsor many conferences and formed the SIGIR Student Travel Grant plan to help students attend their conferences.Its 5-day 45th conference was held in hybrid mode in Madrid in July. It included research papers, resource papers, tutorials, demonstrations, workshops, doctoral reports, and viewpoints articles concentrated on analysis and development in the information retrieval area. Attendees and speakers got the option to participate online or offline.Click here to register
AAAI: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence6th Nov-10th Nov 2022/ VirtualAAAI is a nonprofit scientific organization dedicated to increasing the scientific understanding of the underlying mechanisms, intelligent behavior, and their manifestation in machines. It desires to encourage analysis and loyal use of artificial intelligence through its offline and virtual workshops. It strives to boost public awareness of artificial intelligence and enhance the education of AI practitioners. Expert lectures provide direction for interested researchers concerning the significance and potential of recent AI expansions with future directions.Their 10th 5-day conference will be on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing. This conference will provide a new understanding between human computation and crowdsourcing, like how these fields can be used for humanity’s benefit.Click here to register
ICML: International Conference on Machine LearningTBHAt The ICML conference, professionals gather devoted to advancing artificial intelligence ( machine learning). It’s a leading and fastest-growing machine learning conference in the world. Different backgrounds people participate every year in this conference, including graduate students, Ph.D. researchers, postdocs, engineers, entrepreneurs, and more.Their 39th conference has held recently in July 2022. Their conference is recognized for delivering and disseminating advanced analysis on all elements of machine learning applied in interconnected areas like artificial intelligence, data science, statistics, and other application fields such as computational biology, machine vision, robotics, and speech recognition.Click here to register
ICDM: International Conference on Data MiningNov. 28 – Dec. 1, 2022/Orlando, FL, USAICDM is the world’s exclusive conference in data mining that provides a global platform for the presentation of authentic research developments and the exchange of innovative and observed development incidents. ICDM attracts practitioners, researchers, and application designers from a broad spectrum of data mining-related such as deep learning, big data, pattern recognition, machine learning knowledge-based systems, data warehousing, databases, data visualization, and high-performance computing.The 4-days conference will cover different elements of data mining, with software, algorithms, and applications. Their conference will promote quality research discoveries and creative solutions to data mining concerns.Click here to register
NLP Summit 2022October 4-6, 2022/online eventThe NLP summit is the largest community of growing NLP learners interested in building natural language processing understanding applications for life science, healthcare, eCommerce, finance, recruiting, media, and more. The summit helps the community learn and apply the most valuable practices.This 3-day conference will cover NLP industry-focused content with more than 50 technical sessions, including real-world case studies, challenges faced in implementing deep learning, models, the latest open source libraries, & transformers one can use.
Join this live Q&A session with 40+ speakers and connect with many professionals through their networking features.
They provide you access to the content discussed after the end of the event. From beginners to experienced learners can attend live training workshops and get certifications. 
Click here to register
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Some of the NLP conferences have already been held in 2023, and some are scheduled to occur. Do not miss any upcoming conferences as they can expand your knowledge graph with more exciting and emerging discoveries in the Natural language processing field.

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