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Top Computer Science Conferences in 2023

In the field of technology, there are always new advances. Computer science conferences are crucial because they allow us to learn from other computer scientists and technology enthusiasts worldwide. They are a helpful resource for developers, students, and even individuals who are simply interested in what is happening in the world of technology.

Attending computer science conferences and seminars is one of the best methods to keep your skills up to date and keep up with what’s new in the world of software.

You’re in luck if you want to go to a computer science conference! I’ve done the legwork and compiled a list of the best computer science conferences to attend in 2023.

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I’ve produced a list of the best computer science conferences, some background information on each one, and some predictions for what to expect. Take a look at the itinerary and pick where you wish to go.


Top Computer Science Conferences in 2023:

The following are the top computer science conferences ranking in 2023.

Conferences Date and Venue AboutWhy should you attend?Register/Tickets
Winter Conference on Applications in Computer Vision 3 – 8 January,
Waikaloa, Hawaii, USA 
The Winter Conference on Applications in Computer Vision (WACV) is a major worldwide computer vision conference. It brings together academic and industrial researchers from all around the world.Eve will cover object identification and tracking, scene understanding, video analysis, biometrics, medical imaging, information retrieval, and retrieval from the web, robotics, multimedia, and other issues in the field of computer vision during the conference.Click here to register.
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality12 – 16 March,
IEEE VR is regarded as the premier international academic conference to present research findings in virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3D user interfaces theory and practice.It is an annual IEEE conference that attracts researchers from all around the world.Click here to register.
38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering9 – 12 May,
The world’s leading meeting for data engineering academics and practitioners brings together top professionals to discuss the most recent research and real-world applications in data management, data mining, machine learning, stream and graph insights.The conference brings together a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, and educators working to advance state of the art in data engineering.Click here to register.
44th International Conference on Software Engineering21 – 29 May 2022,
Pittsburgh, USA 
The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) presents and discusses the most recent ideas, experiences, and difficulties in software engineering.The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the main arena for software engineering research, practice, and education.Click here to register.
43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy22 – 26 May 2022,
San Francisco, USA 
The renowned conference brings together scholars and practitioners in computer security and electronic privacy to present the latest developments in the field. The IEEE Computer Society, in collaboration with ACM and IFIP, is sponsoring the Symposium.It is a significant event, with over 800 people expected to attend and 150 research papers presented during the four days of the conference.Click here to register.
International Parallel and Distributed Processing SymposiumMay 30 – June 3, 2022,
Lyon, France
The conference is held every year and is considered one of the greatest in parallel computing.The conference intends to bring together academics, government, and private industry researchers, engineers, and scientists to discuss all aspects of parallel processing technologies.Click here to register.
 International Symposium on Computer Architecture11 – 15 June 2022,
New York City, USA
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) is an annual symposium devoted to computer architecture research.ISCA brings together scholars working on microarchitecture, logic design, VLSI, compilers, operating systems, networking, graphics, and other subjects in computing, networking, and storage systems.Click here to register.
 IEEE Conferences on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition18 – 24 June 2022,
New Orleans, USA
The central conference and other co-located seminars and short courses are the leading international arena for reporting advancements in computer vision.Researchers, practitioners, and developers may hear cutting-edge work in all areas of computer vision at the CVPR.Click here to register.
 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications ConferenceJune 27 – July 1, 2022,
Torino, Italy
Researchers and practitioners can present computer science and technology breakthroughs during the conference.The conference encourages submissions that make significant technical advances to theory, design, and practice in computer science and engineering fields relevant to the conference.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust27 – 30 June 2022,
McLean, USA 
The yearly HOST symposium is the primary venue for presenting cutting-edge hardware and system security research.It serves as a venue for researchers, developers, and practitioners to share information and foster future collaborations in the areas of hardware and system security.Click here to register.
 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration6 – 8 July 2022,
The IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) is a worldwide venue for researchers, engineers, and scientists to present their most recent discoveries and advances in the design, manufacture, and use of VLSI circuits and systems.The yearly conference brings together academics and industry professionals to discuss the latest developments in VLSI systems.Click here to register.
 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems10 – 13 July 2022,
Bologna, Italy
The conference will serve as a premier venue for researchers, developers, practitioners, and users to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, and practical challenges and solutions encountered in distributed computing systems’ design, implementation, and deployment.The conference will provide a unique chance to present and discuss the most recent developments, trends, concerns, and actual issues and solutions encountered in designing, implementing, and deploying distributed computing systems.Click here to register.
IEEE World Congress on Services10 – 16 July 2022,
Barcelona, Spain
The IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES) is a multidisciplinary, world-class conference held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (IEEE).With over 400,000 members in over 170 countries, IEEE is the world’s most prominent professional organization.Click here to register.
 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science9 – 11 August 2022,
The International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) is a prominent venue for presenting and discussing fundamental and practical data science topics.The IRI conference includes a vast display area and an extensive program of tutorials and seminars.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering19 – 23 September 2022,
Bloomfield, USA
The International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) is a venue for exchanging new ideas, advancements, and research in all areas of quantum computing and engineering, including quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, quantum nondemolition measurements, and so on.The QCE conference aims to bring people interested in quantum computing together with those working on commercial applications.Click here to register.
37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringSeptember 26–October 1, 2022,
Ann Arbor, USA
The ASE conference has long served as a premier venue for sharing ideas and results and discussing difficulties in all fields of software engineering.The conference is a significant gathering in the software engineering community, covering all aspects of software development, including design, implementation, testing, validation, and maintenance.Click here to register.
38th Annual International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution3 – 7 October 2022,
Limassol, Cyprus 
The 38th Annual International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution is an international platform for presenting new research findings, creating software tools and technologies, and the exchange of experience and best practices in software maintenance and evolution.Both theoretical and practical aspects of software maintenance and evolution are covered during the conference.Click here to register.
 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics16 – 21 October 2022,
Oklahoma City, USA 
VIS is the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics’ flagship meeting ( T-VIS ).It’s a much-anticipated annual event that brings together the world’s top computer graphics and visualization experts.Click here to register.
21st International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality17 – 21 October 2022,
ISMAR is the world’s leading conference for scientists, engineers, and practitioners working in augmented reality, mixed reality, and virtual reality for scientific, industrial, and commercial applications.ISMAR’s mission is to lead in A.R., MR, and V.R. research and development and scientific and industrial applications, systems, and techniques.Click here to register.
IEEE Secure Development Conference 18 – 20 October 2022,
Atlanta, USA 
The IEEE Secure Development Conference (SecDev) is a must-attend event for anybody interested in system, software, and network security and privacy.The conference is co-located with the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S.P.), and attendees will learn system security principles.Click here to register.
 International Conference for High-Performance Computer, Networking, Storage, and Analysis13 -18 November 2022,
Dallas, Texas, USA
The SC conference is a venue for presenting cutting-edge research and achievements in computer systems and high-performance networking.The convention provides an opportunity for tech nerds to learn about the more advanced aspects of computer science technology and attend workshops, seminars, and other fun tech events.Click here to register.
22nd International Conference on Data Mining November 30 – December 3,
Orlando, USA
The International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) is the leading conference for data mining, machine learning, and large-scale data analysis research.The ICDM offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share your findings in a stimulating scientific exchange among academic and industrial researchers and practitioners.Click here to register.
 24th IEEE International on Multimedia5 – 7 December 2022,
Naples, Italy
The IEEE Worldwide Meeting on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) is the IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia’s (TCMC) flagship conference and an international platform for researchers, developers, and practitioners to share knowledge on multimedia technology.It is a worldwide platform for researchers to share information, explore ideas, present research findings, and network with professionals and thought leaders in multimedia.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Big Data13 – 16 December 2022,
Kyoto, Japan
The IEEE BigData conference’s purpose is to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners worldwide to share ideas, present their newest research and results, and explore BigData’s possible applications.The conference offers a technical program that includes tutorials, research papers, invited speakers and panels, industry-sponsored presentations, corporate displays, and a job fair.Click here to register.
 European Conference on Computer Vision24 – 28 October 2022,
The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is a biennial scientific conference with Springer Science+Business Media publishing the proceedings.Enroll and learn more about the topic of computer vision, which tries to analyze, recognize, and create digital representations of actual objects from photographs and other sensory data.Click here to register.
 Neural Information Processing Systems November 26 – December 4, 2022,
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
NIPS, or Neural Information Processing Systems, is a machine learning conference sponsored annually in California by the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation.NIPS is a conference for scholars interested in studying the brain and nervous system and developing intelligent computer systems using mathematical and computational methodologies.Click here to register.
 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence22 Feb – 1 Mar, 2022,
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s (AAAI) annual meeting is the leading international forum for A.I. discussion and exchange.To study the numerous elements of A.I. research, AAAI brings together computer scientists, cognitive scientists, social scientists, philosophers, and others.Click here to register.
International Conference on Machine LearningJuly 17– July 23, 2022,
 Sydney Australia.
The Worldwide Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the most prestigious international academic conference in machine learning.It is the premier gathering place for researchers, developers, engineers, and practitioners interested in discussing recent developments and prospects in machine learning and artificial intelligence.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation23 – 27 May 2022
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society host the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), funded by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.The conference’s goal is to bring together scholars and practitioners in robotics and automation to present and discuss new advances, applications, and technical standards in all areas of robotics and automation.Click here to register.
 International World Wide Web Conferences25 – 29 April 2022
Lyon, France
The World Wide Web Conference is produced and sponsored by the IW3C2. Its purpose is to encourage the development and evolution of the World Wide Web.The primary mission of the IW3C2 is to provide leadership, management, and organization for the World Wide Web Conference series.Click here to register.
 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 30 – May 6, 2022
New Orleans, LA. 
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction hosts the CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) conference every year (SIGCHI).Papers on research relating to the design and evaluation of interactive computing systems, such as physical and virtual reality, augmented reality, games, software agents, tangible user interfaces, and the Internet, are invited to be presented at the conference.Click here to register.
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining14 – 18 August 2022
Washington DC
Every August, the Association for Computing Machinery hosts the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining every August (ACM).It is a conference that allows scientists and practitioners in knowledge discovery and data mining to share their ideas, experiences, and research findings.Click here to register.
 USENIX Security Symposium10 – 12 August 2022
Boston, MA, USA.
The USENIX Security Symposium is a computer security academic conference hosted by the USENIX Association.The USENIX Security Symposium invites presentations of mature and established work and fresh and unique approaches to the research and practice of computer security.Click here to register.
 ACM Symposium on Computer and Communications Security 7 – 11 November 2022
Los Angeles, U.S.A. 
The ACM Symposium on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) is the premier information, computer, and communications security conference.The Symposium comprises invited speeches, demonstrations, and panel discussions, and it covers a wide variety of topics.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)22 – 27 May 2022
The International Conference on Applied Signal Processing, Voice, and Audio Research (ICASSP) bring together the world’s best professionals in applied signal processing, speech, and audio research.The conference covers a broad spectrum of voice recognition robots multimedia to medical applications.Click here to register.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)23 – 29 Jul 2022
One of the most prestigious worldwide academic conferences in artificial intelligence is the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).Hundreds of the world’s finest researchers, engineers, and practitioners attended the IJCAI.Click here to register.
International Conference on Learning Representations27-28 October 2022
Lisbon, Portugal
The biennial International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) brings together scholars from many sectors and backgrounds to discuss current developments and prospects in machine learning and data-augmented learning.Machine learning, computational neuroscience, cognitive science and psychology, robotics, computer vision, statistics, and bioinformatics are among the domains where learning representations are used.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications2-5 May 2022,
The conference will concentrate on technology and research concerns that will impact the development of computer communications.It is one of the top conferences for networking researchers to present their work. It provides networking professionals with a fantastic chance to network with other researchers and learn about the latest research, trends, and difficulties in the computer communications sector.Click here to register.
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)22-27 May 2022
Dublin, Ireland
The Association for Computer Linguistics (ACL) addresses all theoretical and experimental computational linguistics research elements, including natural language processing, computational semantics, and voice processing.ACL has over 1,000 members globally, including members in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, so it will be an enjoyable tech event to attend.Click here to register.
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining21 – 25 Feb 2022
One of the leading conferences on web-inspired research, including search and data mining, is the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM).This conference caters to the requirements of web and data mining researchers in general and researchers in this field.Click here to register.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems23–27 October 2022
Kyoto, Japan
The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), which takes place every year, is the world’s biggest and most prominent robotics research conference.The conference is hosted in conjunction with other essential robotics conferences such as ICRA and the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation every year for the robotics community (ICRA).Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Communications 16–20 May 2022 
Seoul, South Korea
As part of the IEEE Globecom Workshops, the International Conference on Communications (ICC) is an annual international academic conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).The conference will cover a wide range of subjects in communications, including computer networks, wireless communications, and optical communications.Click here to register.
 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data12 – 17 June 2022
Philadelphia, PA, USA
ACM SIGMOD is a leading worldwide conference for database academics, practitioners, developers, and consumers to discuss cutting-edge data management concepts and develop data management technology.The annual ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference brings together database academics, practitioners, developers, and users worldwide to discuss cutting-edge ideas and findings in database systems, data management, and related fields.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and StatisticsMarch 30 – April 1, 2022
Valéncia, Spain and Virtual
AISTATS is an interdisciplinary meeting of scholars working at the confluence of computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related topics.It serves as a venue for researchers, developers, and practitioners to learn about the most recent research in these domains and debate pertinent topics and applications.Click here to register.
 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention18-22 September 2022
Resorts World Convention Centre Singapore
The International Conference on Medical Image Computer and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) is a prominent scientific platform for existing and new fields in medical imaging and computing applications in clinical practice.MICCAI’s primary goal is to bring together academics, developers, and practitioners from all around the globe to push the technological boundaries of medical image computing, emphasizing computer-aided treatments.Click here to register.
 ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management17-22 October 2022
Hybrid Conference, Hosted in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is an annual conference that promotes and disseminates research in information and knowledge management. It is organized by the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR).Practitioners, researchers, and students working in knowledge management, information retrieval, and related issues are invited to attend.Click here to register.
 IEEE GLOBECOMDecember 4 – December 8, 2022
Rio de Janeiro
IEEE GLOBECOM is a platform for academics, developers, engineers, and practitioners in broadband communications and multimedia systems and applications to present and debate their newest work.With approximately 6,000 people, Globecom is the Communications Society’s flagship conference, including a combination of the plenary, tutorial, and peer-reviewed paper presentations on a wide variety of communications issues.Click here to register.
Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation4–6 April 2022,
Renton, WA, USA.
The annual Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) provides a platform for academics, developers, and practitioners to present their most recent work in networked systems design and implementation.NSDI is a platform for discussing and sharing ideas, experiences, and technology relating to networked and distributed systems design and implementation.Click here to register.
ACM SIGCOMM Conference22–26 August 2022
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The ACM SIGCOMM conference is an annual international conference on computer communication networks and systems hosted by the Association for Computing Machinery.The program committee will consider protocols, systems, architectures, applications, services, networked systems, Internet and Web, wireless and mobile systems, security, dependability, performance, scalability, multimedia networking, and networking for embedded systems.Click here to register.
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)22-27 May 2022
Dublin, Ireland
The European Meeting on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) is a renowned conference in natural language processing. It’s a place where innovative research on computational methods to natural language processing and computational linguistics will be presented.The conference aims to bring together scholars and practitioners from various scientific and technical disciplines interested in developing and using formal methods to challenge natural language processing and interpretation.Click here to register.
 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)24 – 28 April 2022
Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa, San Diego, California
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) is an annual conference that promotes information sharing among system and distributed network security practitioners and researchers.It is the preeminent platform for presenting and debating breakthroughs in research, development, and practical application, secure, reliable, scalable, and trustworthy computer and communications systems.Click here to register.
 ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and development in information retrieval11-15 July 2022
The ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval is the premier platform for presenting and discussing current information retrieval research and development initiatives.The conference serves as a place for academic and industry researchers to share their most recent breakthroughs and achievements.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops9th – 12th May 2022
The IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) is the premier IEEE conference for data engineering and management research, including data mining, quality, integration, data warehousing, data streams, and applications.A range of seminars and tutorials are available during the conference.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCSJuly 7 – July 10, 2021, VirtualThe Worldwide Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, or ICDCS, is a prominent international event for distributed computing academics, developers, and engineers.It is one of the world’s most important international conferences on distributed computing.Click here to register.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference10-13 April 2022 
Austin, Texas
The IEEE Communications Society hosts the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), the IEEE’s flagship event on communications and networking, held every year in the United States.In Wireless Communications, Wireless Networking, and Wireless Systems, the WCNC covers the most recent breakthroughs in wireless technology and their applications, participate, and learn more exciting ideas.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing16-19 October 2022
Bordeaux, France
The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) is the biggest and yet most detailed professional conference on image and video processing and algorithmic in the world.Researchers will present papers on various subjects at IEEE ICIP 2022. Artificial intelligence, deep learning, computer vision, video analysis, and other topics will be discussed. They’ll also discuss the most recent developments in robots, multimedia content, and ways to enhance internet infrastructure.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture RecognitionNot KnownThe Automatic Face and Gesture Detection conference series is the world’s leading platform for image and video-based face and gesture recognition research.It’s a venue for discussing current concerns and future research directions in the area and presenting the latest breakthroughs and research findings in the face and gesture analysis and their application to real-world situations.Click here to register.

Expired. Stay Tuned for further updates.
 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)January 16 – January 22, 2022.
Westin Philadelphia
The ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) is an annual meeting where all programming languages and systems elements are discussed.The primary forums present new ideas, research findings, and trends in programming language and system design, specification, development, comprehension, usage, and implementation.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory June 26-July 1, 2022 Aalto University Espoo, Finland.ISIT is an independent forum that brings scientists and engineers from academia, business, and government labs to debate the latest breakthroughs and trends in information theory and related fields.Original theoretical conclusions, assessments of current theory, comparisons with experiments, and applications are all welcome at the conference.Click here to register.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference  11–13 July 2022
Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, CA, USA
The USENIX Annual Technical Conference is the organization’s main event. It’s a three-day gathering of system administrators, network administrators, security professionals, computer scientists, and engineers from various enterprises.Participants can learn about new technology, improve their abilities, and network with others at the conference.Click here to register.
 Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition14 – 23 March 2022
The industry comes together at the Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE) to build new relationships, examine the newest technologies, and exchange ideas.DATE is where you obtain the knowledge, inspiration, and connections you need to succeed in your company. It’s comprehensive, insightful, and designed around the newest technology and ideas.Click here to register.
 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (HLT-NAACL)10 – 15 July 2022
Seattle, Washington
The Human Language Technologies Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computer Linguistics (HLT-NAACL) is the main forum for original research on computational approaches to human language.The conference will include lectures, discussions, system and application demos, and tool and product presentations. The International Speech Communication Association supports the HLT-NAACL (ISCA).Click here to register.
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (EUROCRYPT)May 30 – June 3, 2022
 Trondheim, Norway
It is the primary platform for presenting new theoretical and practical cryptography breakthroughs and achievements. The conference will address both theoretical and practical elements of cryptography.EUROCRYPT’s goal is to bring the cryptologic community together to discuss the most recent ideas, discoveries, and applications.Click here to register.
ACM SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms9 – 12 Jan 2022
The SIAM Conference on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) is an annual research symposium with a single track covering all discrete mathematics and algorithms elements.The conference brings together scholars and practitioners from all over the globe to discuss the most recent advances in algorithmic and data structure development.Click here to register.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks18 – 23 July 2022
Centro Congressi Padova, Italy
The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) is an annual conference that brings together scholars and practitioners from across the globe to present and debate the most recent developments in neural network research.This conference series covers various contemporary issues relevant to neural network and computational intelligence academics and practitioners.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture 2–6 Apr 2022 
The IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) is a powerful platform for scholars and practitioners to present and debate current advancements in high-performance computer architecture and future possibilities.Researchers and practitioners from all around the globe attend this tremendous technical conference. The emphasis is on new ideas and strategies for high performance while working within the fundamental limits of semiconductor technology.Click here to register.
 Design Automation Conference (DAC)July 10 – July 14, 2022
San Francisco, California
The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is an annual worldwide gathering of everyone concerned in electronic system design. It is the world’s most important venue for presenting new ideas, information exchange, and state-of-the-art progress.The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is the world’s largest platform for presenting new ideas, products, and technical advancements in electronic system design.Click here to register.
ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing12 – 16 November 2022
Taipei, Taiwan
The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing is an academic conference devoted to researching and implementing technologies that enable cooperative work, social interaction, and social computing.CSCW is one of the most important international conferences in the subject of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and it is known for publishing some of the field’s most influential and foundational works.Click here to register.
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture 16–20 October 2021 Athens, Greece
The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture is the main venue for presenting, debating, and discussing cutting-edge microarchitecture concepts.This unusual blend of academics and industry offers a forum for engineers and architects to address future issues, emphasizing computing system microarchitecture.Click here to register.

Dates for 2022 have yet to be updated.
International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO) 13-18 August 2022.
Santa Barbara, USA
CRYPTO is a prominent yearly forum for scientific cryptography research that attracts experts from all around the globe.It is arguably the leading meeting of cryptography scholars, with academia, industry, and government participants. It is sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) and is currently the largest meeting of cryptography researchers, with attendees from academia, industry, and administration.Click here to register.
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering 14 – 18 November 2022
The ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) brings together academics, operators, and instructors from across the world.It is intended for a wide range of software professionals, including requirements engineering, software architecture and design, software verification and validation, software testing, and software maintainability.Click here to register.
 Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) 18 – 22 September 2022 Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, KoreaThe INTERSPEECH is an annual speech industry conference that attracts over a thousand attendees from over 40 countries to hear about the newest research findings and discuss their work.INTERSPEECH is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for academics, engineers, and students to share their most recent findings and experiment with new concepts. The conference will address a wide range of voice communication technology.Click here to register.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsFeb 28-March 4, 2022
Lausanne, Switzerland
ASPLOS is an annual conference organized by ACM SIGARCH that is unusual. It brings together scholars from a broad range of fields, including but not limited to Computer Architecture, Computer Systems, Operating Systems, Programming Languages, and Computer Networking.ASPLOS brings together renowned academics, corporate leaders, and government officials to explore innovative architectural support for programming languages and operating systems and their implications for future computer systems.Click here to register.
 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference20-28 February 2022
The International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), sponsored by the Electron Devices Society, is the leading conference for presenting breakthroughs in solid-state circuits and Systems-on-a-Chip.Papers on all VLSI and electronic systems design areas are encouraged at this conference. ISSCC invites technical demos, tutorials, and seminars in addition to papers.Click here to register.
IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging28 – 31 March 2022
 ITC Royal Bengal, Kolkata, India
The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) is a scientific meeting devoted to biomedical imaging’s mathematical, computational, and technical advances.The Symposium provides a venue for sharing ideas, methodologies, and findings in biomedical imaging and allied topics. It encourages the submission of novel methods, algorithms, and experimental data.Click here to register.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 18-22 July 2022
Taipei, Taiwan
Since its inception in 2000, the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) has been the premier multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE organizations.Multimedia content analysis and retrieval, multimedia security and forensics, multimedia databases, multimedia modeling and coding, multimedia signal and information processing, multimedia communication and networking, and other topics will be covered during the conference, if you are aiming any of the topics, it’s a right fit. Click here to register.
 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications 4-6 July 2022
Oulu, Finland
The IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) gathers researchers interested in signal processing and its applications in wireless communications.It is a crucial platform for presenting new research on improvements in wireless communications, such as New methods for wireless communication systems, wireless standards, Wireless signal processing, Novel approaches for wireless device design.Click here to register.
 International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)June 11 – June 15, 2022
New York
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) is the leading platform for novel concepts and experimental outcomes.ISCA’s mission is to enhance computer system and architecture theory, design, implementation, and application.Click here to register.
 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems 5 – 8, 2022
Rennes, France
The ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) is an annual conference where academic, industry, and government researchers present their most recent work on all areas of computer systems.EuroSys is a single-track conference with a lively environment, many conversation opportunities, and a banquet after each day.Click here to register.
 ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing June 20 – June 24, 2022
Rome, Italy
SIGACT, the Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation, hosts the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC).The conference will focus on basic concepts, ideas, advancements in computing theory and computational complexity, and applications in other fields.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Web and Social Media6 – 9 June 2022
Atlanta, Georgia and Virtual
Since 2004, the conference series has been organized every two years to bring together researchers on the web, social media, and networks.The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the world’s most prominent scientific organization, is sponsoring ICWSM, so it’s a great deal that you should not miss out.Click here to register.
 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference19-22 June 2022
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) is an organization consisting of professional engineers and scientists interested in developing standards and recommended practices to promote vehicles’ safe operation and integration into the world’s transportation system. 
 Attendees include industry professionals from all around the world and researchers, investors, and students.
Click here to register.
 Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and ServicesJune 25 – July 1, 2022, Portland, OregonACM MobiSys is a premier international forum for presenting peer-reviewed papers on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services.
The conference draws together the world’s leading researchers, practitioners, and developers in this broad and dynamic area.
Click here to register.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 6-9 Dec 2022
Cancun, Mexico
The IEEE Conference on Decision and Control is the flagship conference in its field. It is a place to meet, learn, exchange ideas, and hear the best minds in the field. 

 This meeting offers a unique opportunity to present and discuss recent research results, perspectives on future developments, and innovative applications relevant to decision making, automatic control, and related areas. 
Click here to register.
ACM Symposium on Operating Systems PrinciplesACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles is a prestigious annual international forum for presenting new ideas, results, and techniques in computer systems software, including operating systems, distributed systems, network systems, and middleware. 
It provides an essential venue for academics and industrial participants to present their latest research and experience papers. Which covers the full range of theory and practice of computer systems, including computer architecture and compilers, operating systems, distributed systems, real-time systems, and energy-aware computing.Click here to register.
 British Machine Vision ConferenceVirtualBMVA is a vital part of the machine vision community in the U.K., and it’s essential to maintain regular contact with them.
The conference program is carefully curated to deliver the latest developments and trends in machine vision and image processing.
Click here to register.
 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering September 26 – October 1, 2022
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
The International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) is the premier international software engineering community conference that focuses on the foundations, techniques, and tools for automating large software systems’ analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.
 The conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to present original research and results, exchange ideas, and explore new directions in all field areas. ASE is co-located with ICSE, the flagship conference of the International Conference on Software Engineering.
Click here to register.
 American Control Conference 8-10 June 2022 Atlanta, GA
The American Control Conference, ACC, is the annual Conference of the American Automatic Control Council (AACC), the U.S. national member organization of the International Federation for Automatic Control (IFAC)

The ACC brings together researchers, engineers, educators, and students from all over the world to exchange ideas in the areas of their expertise.
Click here to register.
 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsJanuary 10, 2022
Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) is a conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest advances and applications in pervasive and ubiquitous computing and communications. 
 Carefully planned our sessions and workshops to ensure that we covered the latest research, methodologies, and applications in the field of pervasive computing and communications.
Click here to register.
 ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications SecurityMay 30- June 3, 2022, Nagasaki and VirtualThe ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) is a premier forum for academics, industry, and government professionals to present and discuss research results and practical experience on computer and communications security and related topics.The ASIACCS provides a premier forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in all areas of computer security, including the security of mobile and wireless systems, cyber-physical systems, and the Internet.
Click here to register.
 International Conference on 3D Vision2022 dates are still not confirmed.The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers and developers to present their work and foster discussion among the academic and industrial communities regarding the theory and practice of 3D vision technology.The conference covers a broad range of topics in 3D research in Computer Vision and Graphics, such as novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, and many more.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)2-7 April 2022, Munich, GermanyThe International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) is a one-of-a-kind event that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in the design and analysis of tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of complex and large-scale systems.
The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, flexibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building systems.
Click here to register.
 Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 4 – 8 Dec 2022
Macau, Macau SAR
ACM SIGGRAPH is a world-renowned professional association for computer graphics, interactive techniques, and multimedia applications. 
 ACCV has a long tradition of bringing together researchers from all over the world, providing a premier forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer vision and related areas.Click here to register.
 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot InteractionMarch 7-10, 2022,
Virtual (Originaly Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
Human-robot interaction (HRI) is a field that is currently at the cusp of a revolution in the way we communicate with machines in several industries, from healthcare to the military. 
The HRI conference is a highly selective annual international conference that aims to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in HRI with roots in and broad participation from communities in academia, industry, government, and the public.Click here to register.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology29 Oct – 2 Nov, 2022
 Bend, Oregon USA
The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, or UIST, is the primary international conference to improve the user interface design and technology science and practice.The Symposium provides a forum to discuss the latest ideas and research in our field and find new solutions to interface design problems.Click here to register.
 European Conference on Research in Computer Security26-30, Sep 2022
Copenhagen, Denmark
ESORICS is a conference that brings together researchers and practitioners in system security.The conference covers all security aspects in computer systems, including attacks, defenses, and privacy issues. It is a place for the security systems community to examine and debate new and emerging research ideas and explore how security systems can be built.
Click here to register.
 Internet Measurement Conference25 – 27 October 2022
The conference covers a wide range of topics and challenges, such as the measurement and analysis of the Internet, the possibilities of traffic engineering, the evolution of the Internet, the measurement of Next Generation Networks, the measurement of traffic in access networks. Etc.The aim is that papers presented at the conference contribute to the current understanding of collecting or analyzing Internet measurements or provide insight into how the Internet behaves.
Click here to register.
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference17-20 Jan 2022
The conference is a great place to learn about the most valuable and exciting topics, get the latest news, hear the most valuable opinions, and meet the most prominent people in the industry.
Click here to register.
 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and SystemsMay 28 – June 1, 2022
 Austin, Texas
A technical program committee is a group of people involved in reviewing papers and making the best use of the papers. 
 IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. 
Click here to register.
 Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsThe Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics is a forum for computational linguists working in computational linguistics and natural language processing. 
The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for both newcomers and experts to be up-to-date on the most recent developments in the field and meet and discuss with experts in all aspects of computational linguistics and natural language processing.
Click here to register.
 European Symposium on Security and PrivacyJune 6-10, 2022
The European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P) is the premier forum for computer security and privacy research. The event is an excellent opportunity to hear the latest research and discuss the most pressing security and privacy issues with the leading experts in the field.Click here to register.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) 13 – 17 June 2022
 San Diego, CA, USA
SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) is the central forum for researchers, developers, implementers, users, and anyone else interested in programming languages and programming systems.The conference covers the entire spectrum of programming languages, including, but not limited to, functional, imperative, logical, distributed, and object-oriented languages, as well as languages for specific application domains.
Click here to register.
 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation9-13 July 2022
The conference is the main forum to publish novel research results, novel ideas, and novel applications of all topics related to genetic and evolutionary computation.
The community is represented by computer scientists, Mathematicians, Geneticists, Biologists, and Engineers interested in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.
Click here to register.
 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM) 28 – 30 April 2022
Westin Alexandria Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.
The SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM) is a leading international forum for presenting novel research results in data mining, data science, and knowledge discovery.
The conference provides a platform to present the most recent research results and exchange ideas among data mining researchers, practitioners, and users.
Click here to register.
 International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification7-10 August 2022
Haifa, Israel
Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) is an interdisciplinary field of computer science that uses formal methods to improve software, hardware, and system design.
The conference attracts a large international audience of researchers, graduate students, and industrial engineers, who present and discuss the latest results in the field.
Click here to register.
 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science7-10 February 2022
Denver, Colorado
The IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) is the flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on the Mathematical Foundations of Computing (TCMF). It covers a broad range of theoretical computer science.
The conference covers a broad range of theoretical computer science and is especially strong in algorithms, theory of computation, complexity theory, and cryptography.
Click here to register.
Robotics: Science and SystemsJune 27–July 1, 2022
New York City
RSS is one of the largest robotics conferences, drawing hundreds of participants each year.The conference is an excellent opportunity to develop and strengthen relationships with other researchers in your field and to make a name for yourself by actively participating in the conference.Click here to register.
 International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering15- 18 March 2022
The International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER) is the premier international forum for researchers, practitioners, and tool builders in software analysis, evolution, and reengineering. 
SANER brings together researchers, practitioners, and tool builders worldwide to discuss new research ideas, emerging trends, and industrial experiences that help advance the field.
Click here to register.
 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference8 – 12 October 2022
 Macau, China
The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (also called IEEE ITSC) is the largest ITS event globally. 
It is a forum to learn the latest techniques, research results, and advancements in intelligent transportation systems and automated driving technology. 
Click here to register.
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium5-9 June 2022
Aachen, Germany
The IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) is designed to bring together researchers and practitioners from universities, industry, and government agencies worldwide to share and discuss the latest advances in theory and technology related to intelligent vehicles. With its broad scope, the Symposium will cover advanced intelligent vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and the applications of intelligent vehicles in different fields.
Click here to register.
 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation11 – 15 July 2022
The University of Colorado Boulder. 
The ACM Conference on Economics and Computation is the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, empirics, and applications at the interface of economics and computation.
The conference is the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, empirics, and applications at the interface of economics and computation.Click here to register.
International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge 19-23 March 2022
Newport Beach, CA, United States
Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) is a leading meeting for presenting practical and applied achievements in learning analytics and knowledge.The Learning Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Future Directions conference is a specific event with papers approved to present issues under the basic categories of Learning Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Future Directions.Click here to register.
 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems4 – 6 MAY, 2022
Milan, Italy
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) is the main arena for presenting cutting-edge research and theory in cyber-physical systems, as well as rigorous scientific studies (CPS).The conference will cover various topics, including embedded computing, computer networks, mobile computing, parallel and distributed computing, robotics, and real-time systems.Click here to register.
 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis18 – 22 July 2022 Daejeon, South KoreaThe ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) is the premier software testing and analysis research conference.This event allows attendees to share new research discoveries and developments and discuss the most recent advancements in the area. The conference will cover a wide range of software testing and analysis issues, including tools and their applications, testing in practice, formal techniques, and industry case studies.Click here to register.
 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems18 – 23 Sept 2022
The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) is the leading international platform for introducing novel research findings, systems, and techniques relevant to general welfare frameworks.The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on various recommendation elements.Click here to register.
 Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
24-25 February 2022
Sydney, Australia
The ACM MobiCom conference is the main arena for new mobile systems and networking paradigms, research and development, and implementations of these technologies to future mobile and wireless services.Every year, 1000-2000 people attend the conference. MobiCom is the leading forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to share their findings on the state-of-the-art and future of mobile computing and networking.Click here to register.

Conclusion: Top Computer Science Conferences in 2023

We already know that the field of computer science is rapidly expanding. It’s thrilling to believe that we’ll see even more technological advancements and more people entering the profession to make a difference in the coming years. If you’re seeking the best conference to attend, the following list will be helpful, and if you’re interested in attending one, make sure to register as soon as possible.

Also Read:  Credit Union Conferences 2023

Good Luck!!!

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