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10 Youth Ministry Conferences to Attend in 2023

It is always helpful to know about the newest advances and ideas about the work of a youth ministry, whether you are in the leadership of a ministry or attend church as a member of a local community. It is, in fact, critical. So, what can you do to stay up to date on the most recent news, advancements, thoughts, and debates on the subject? Youth Ministry Conferences might assist you in gaining information.

Conferences such as the National Conference of Youth Ministries, the YM Conclave, and others are among the finest. The top ten Youth Ministry Conferences that you should attend are listed below.

What is Youth Ministry Conference?

A youth ministry conference is an event targeted for and organized by those involved in the Christian youth ministry. Youth ministry conferences are primarily aimed at persons who work in a Christian church’s youth ministry, while the terms are frequently used interchangeably with youth pastor conferences.

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A youth ministry conference gathers persons active in Christian youth ministries, such as youth workers, church employees, parents, and even those who are not. The conference’s goal is for participants to learn from one another and share their experiences.

The majority of the time, the conference is made up of workshops given by various attendees. The conference’s central emphasis is on participants sharing their diverse stories.

NameDate and VenueAboutWhy should you attend? Register/tickets
RECHARGE ConferenceJan 8 and Jan 22
Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota
RECHARGE is a full-day seminar for ministry leaders that combines worship and equipping in a new way. The RECHARGE Conference is hosted in a new venue each year. Previous locales include Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis. The International House of Prayer of Kansas City is hosting RECHARGE.They’re not going to talk at you, they’re not going to offer you hundreds of Powerpoints, and they’re not going to waste your time at Refresh. Instead, they will worship with you, encourage you, and empower you.Click here to register.
Virtual Event
Gather Online is a one-of-a-kind online conference experience designed just for churches. It’s a day to get away from it all, focus on your ministry, and reconnect with other ministry leaders. It’s all online, too. Gather Online is a full day of seminars, discussion groups, and networking opportunities geared to assist churches in developing leaders, launching new ministries, and connecting with other churches. Each ticket has a unique login, allowing your staff to choose their seminars and discover useful resources. They can even set up a digital lounge where your workers may interact remotely throughout the day.
Click here to register.
The National Children’s & Youth Ministries is a non-profit organization formed to give training and education to children’s and youth ministers and lay ministry workers in their endeavors to develop and mature. The training event has been a success for the past ten years in bringing together the best and brightest in their profession for a week of full training, networking, and future planning.The ministry’s mission is to provide professional-level training to men and women who serve in children’s and youth ministries. Since its beginnings, the National Children’s & Youth Ministries have provided training, resources, and assistance to local church children and youth ministries.Click here to register.
YM CONCLAVEJanuary 19- 21, 2023
Chattanooga, Convention center
YM Conclave is a two-day training conference for youth pastors, young leaders, and volunteers who want to spend a weekend growing, encouraging, and equipping. The Youth Ministry Conclave aims to empower and support student ministry leaders via training and networking opportunities.Conclave offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for leaders and volunteers to spend a weekend focusing on the student ministry experience, encouraging the growth of student leaders, and mentoring the future generation of student ministry leaders. They collaborate every year to deliver a training event for youth pastors, youth leaders, and volunteers.Click here to register.
Virtual Event
Ignite Youth Leadership Conference is a weekend program that trains students and young adults with Biblical principles and practical skills to help them become empowered to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on their campuses and communities. The event provides a chance to train students, young workers, and volunteers.Ignite is all about equipping students and young workers for ministry work; ignite offers something for you no matter what type of ministry you’re in. ignite is a life-changing event. The goal of igniting is to empower youth workers and students to share the gospel with their peers. Spark is a conference designed by and for young ministers. The experience of igniting will transform you. The goal of igniting is to empower young ministers and students to share the gospel with their peers. Ignite is a fantastic chance to be both challenged and encouraged.Click here to register.
NW MINCONMar 18-19, 2022 Crossroads Bible Church, Bellevue, WANW MINCON is a tiny conference held by a group of Christians who are dissatisfied with the situation of the church today. The conference is intended to provide a safe space for Christians to gather and talk freely without fear of being judged or condemned by others.The conference’s goal is to foster a sense of belonging among the attendees. They seek to enable Christians to speak up about church issues and offer a safe space where they may discuss their concerns without fear of being judged or ridiculed by other Christians.Click here to register.
Engage Youth Leaders ConferenceMar 20-23, 2023
Virtual Event
ENGAGE Youth Leader is an annual conference for teenagers that aims to inspire and equip them with the skills to make a difference. Every year, a group of young leaders gathers to learn, serve, and develop. They will get the chance to work with other teenagers, learn from some of the most engaging and powerful speakers, and experience what it is like to be a leader. The conference provides a secure venue for young people to participate in various workshops and presentations delivered by and for young people. It is intended to encourage young leaders between the ages of 18 and 30 to take action against inequality and injustice in their local communities. It is also a place for young people enthusiastic about making a difference to network, improve their leadership abilities, and form a movement. There are a limited number of spaces available, so sign up as soon as possible. Participate in a weekend of learning and growth with other youth and changemakers worldwide. Click here to register.
2230 Clay Lick Rd, Nashville, IN, United States
The Catholic Young Ministry Convention is the world’s biggest meeting of Catholic youth ministers. Thousands of young pastors meet each year to study, grow and expand their ministries alongside the country’s most effective Catholic evangelists, educators, and leaders. CYM Con is where you can get the tools and training you need to affect the future generation positively.The Catholic Youth Ministry Event’s goal is to inspire young adults to live their religion, share their faith, and learn more about their faith. The weekend will be fun and an opportunity to experience Jesus Christ and His Church in fresh and exciting ways. A convention is an event that allows teenagers to go away. It is a time for prayer and a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ via the Sacraments.Click here to register.
YM360 CLEAR CONFERENCESept 15-16, 2022
Memphis, TN
YM360 is a youth ministry consulting organization that assists youth workers in leading better, loving better, and becoming stronger. The website is divided into four areas, each with a particular purpose. YM360 Core is a free portion of the website available to anybody who wants to help with their youth ministry.YM360 collaborates with churches of all sizes and denominations across Canada and the United States to create and deliver tailored programs, training, and resources for youth workers. They also offer on-site youth ministry counseling, which is quite popular. CLEAR CONFERENCE is a one-day event with a powerful message that will rekindle your passion for young ministry, refocus and motivate you, and equip you with practical skills you can put to use right now.

Click here to register.
2022 Youth Pastor ConferenceMar 28-29, 2022
Virtual Event
The 2022 Youth Pastor Conference will assist you in resolving ministry issues. The conference is a meeting of young pastors from throughout the country searching for something to aid them in their ministry. You may do many things in youth ministry, but the most difficult is getting the young to listen to you and act on what you tell them.It would help if you accomplished many things while still caring for your own family and maintaining your relationship. The 2022 Youth Pastor Conference will aid you in your ministry by assisting you in resolving these issues. In reality, you may become a better youth pastor by studying from those already in the profession.
Click here to register.
Birmingham, AL
Rooted Ministry is a Christian non-profit organization that assists churches in their attempts to reach out to children and teenagers with the Gospel. Over 600 churches in 49 states are served by Rooted, with over 75,000 volunteers. The aim is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every child and adolescent. They want churches to have the resources to communicate the Gospel to children and youth effectively.You’ll discover more about the Bible and how God loves you at Rooted Church in every aspect of your life. You’ll discover how God has a plan and a purpose for you. Rooted Ministry is a children’s conference that blends high-energy worship, topical preaching, and engaging activities to assist children in developing a personal connection with Jesus Christ. 
Click here to register.


We are glad you liked our youth ministry conference post. A youth ministry conference is a wonderful opportunity to acquire new skills, network with other professionals in the industry, and empower yourself with the resources you need to be a more effective youth ministry leader.

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If you have any more questions, please leave a comment below, and we will try our best to answer them. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and best wishes in your ministry!

2 thoughts on “10 Youth Ministry Conferences to Attend in 2023”

  1. Am a youth pastor from uganda, do you have other means of attending the conference for some of us who are far?

  2. I found it interesting when you said that the purpose of the conference is for attendees to exchange their experiences and learn from one another. I was invited to come to a Christian Youth Conference in 2022 by my Christian friend and since I don’t know anything about it, I looked it up and found your article. I’m now thrilled to go into one after reading your article, thanks!


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